This post is from one of my friends on Facebook, Ms. Linen. She is a wonderful person and a black woman that knows what she wants, enjoy. Please!!!! leave a comment.I'll try and keep this as short as possible ("try" being the operative word here)... So, I was having a little chit-chat with a few friends of mine, in which we were discussing this ever so crazy dating thing. You know- good men, love, sex, realtionsips, even marriage popped up in there. In the "sex" portion of the convo, things got a little indepth. As we continued our conversation, an interesting question was posed: "Would you rather make good love, get some really good dick, or get fucked really good?" That, in turn sparked another question: "Is there a difference between the three? If so, what is it?"
Here's my take on it:
Yes, there is a HUGE difference between the three. The "simple" explanation is this: Good dick is about the actual penis itself, and how the man who it belongs to uses it (Basically, "can he fuck?"). Length, girth, shape (curved or straight) all play an important part in classifying a dick as "good". HOWEVER, stroke also plays a very important part in classifying "good dick". It hits the spots that need to be hit. He might miss a few times, but when he does hit it, it's GOLDEN! You may ask, "If it feels so good, then why is it just good dick?" The answer is this: It's because there's nothing there. It's just fucking. Not too much touching, kissing. You're just getting a nut off (or not), and that's that. If he stays or goes or you don't even cum, you could care less. So what the dick was good? There's no "substance" behind it.
The next step up is Good sex. Before I continue, let me just say this; Every man with good dick DOES NOT have good sex! With that said, we have to explain what "good sex" is. Good dick becomes good sex when the man with the good dick now pays attention to how he makes your body feel (and you do the same to him)... You don't have to have to engage in a year of foreplay, but you don't just jump into slam-dancing either! He takes the time to get "it" wet. He's the one who really knows what he's doing. He touches you the right way, in the right places, at the right time, and gets the right reaction. This is the sex where everything that needs to be kissed, sucked, or licked (on both participants) gets kissed, sucked, and licked! And once the "getiin' in" gets in, there's passion. There's fire! You know that heavy-breathing, sometimes-sweaty, close-but-not-stifling, have you sayin' things you won't remember (or regret when you're done), "oh-my-god-why does this feel so good" part? Yeah, that's that "guud-guud"! You're both so into it and it's all about THAT MOMENT, and nothing else matters. The shit's so good you can feel it in your HANDS (y'all know what I'm talkin' about- and if you don't you need to find out!). What solidifies this as good sex is when you think about it later on and it sends that unshakable chill up/down your back, and in know. In your pants. LOL. I'm trying to censor this. lol.
Finally, (and this should be the shortest part) we have the Good Luvin! This one's kinda my favorite (kinda). For single poeple it doens't happen too often (unless ur fucking an ex), but when it does, it's fuckin' beautiful! Good luvin' is when you combine all the aspects of good dick and good sex with... (guys don't cringe) Emotion. Yup. This is where the eomtional part comes in. Not only are you feeling good physically, but now your feelings are in the mix- which also makes this the most dangerous of the three. This is something I can't really describe. You're kind of on your own with this one. But, you have an emotional connection with the person you're fucking and it heightens all of your senses like 90thousand times! And just becasue it's good "love" doesn't mean it's always a slow grind. You can get your back banged out and still be making good love :-)
What's your take on all of this? Agree? Disagree?
I really want to hear from the men too. What's "good pussy"? I've been told there's a big difference between good pussy and good sex as well. Singles, couples, I want to know how everyone feels about this one. And answer the question too: Would you rather get good dick/pussy, get fucked really good, or make good love?
My answer: I'd rather get that guud-guud. No love. I'm tired of my feelings getting hurt. LOL!
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