I've been saying this for a week, the Dems have got to play the game the way the Rethuglicans are playing it. Saturate the media with your storyline and that is what Americans will remember... not the truth or rebuttal, but the story. This gentleman here is spitting the truth:

Barack and Biden seems to want to engage in a high minded political discussion, but the Rethugs can't win on that battlefront. Picture it like this: you are having an intelligent debate with a person in a conference room at work over how a certain job should be done and out of the blue, the dude you are having this "intelligent debate" with talks about your momma and calls you a faggot, however nobody else in the conference room seems to be responding to the fact dude got all childish on you and expects an intelligent rebuttal. Now what kind of "intelligent rebuttal" would you have to this?
At some point, the campaign's going to have to get into the mud, unlike Kerry and Gore. The Rethuglicans will not hand over the reigns of this naiton without a knockdown drag out fight!


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